Claire is the Digital Repository Coordinator for Open Scholarship and Research Data Services (OSRDS) at Harvard Library, and the admin for DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard). Her mandate is to provide scholars and researchers with front-line support and training, so that everyone at Harvard can make their academic research available to anyone, anywhere, for free!
Contact Claire:
- For help making your work openly accessible on the DASH repository, or enhancing the discoverability of your deposited works
- For help fulfilling an open-access policy mandate
- If your department, program, lab, or institute wants to explore using our open repository to make your scholarly output publicly accessible
Claire has an MFA from Emerson College, and a 15-year career in digital asset management, copyright, and publishing. Previously she was Digital Asset Manager at the Peabody Essex Museum, and is now serving as the treasurer of the Museum Computer Network.